Sunday, 19 March 2017

Ancient Aliens and Sanskrit Texts – Part1 (Link between Bhrigu Saṃhitā and ancient Aliens)

Link between Bhrigu Saṃhitā and ancient Aliens

We humans are creations of extraterrestrial intelligence, who landed on Earth thousands of years ago.  Strong proof can be established if we critically study Bhrigu Saṃhitā and the Maharishi Bhrigu work. Details are given below

Ref. Points:
Ref Wikipedia link:

1.            Maharishi Bhrigu (Sanskrit: Bhṛgu) was one of the seven great sages, the Saptarshis, one of the many Prajapatis (the facilitators of Creation) created by Brahma (The God of Creation)
2.            Maharishi Bhrigu is considered as a Manasa Putra (mind-born-son) of Brahma.
3.            Maharishi Bhrigu complied book on predictive astrology, and also the author of Bhrigu Samhita, the astrological (Jyotish) classic, which contains the horoscope of all Human beings on the planet Earth. Saint Bhrigu was the first compiler who recorded the life details and events of various persons. This formed a database for research and study.
4.            According to Manusmriti, Bhrigu was a compatriot of and lived during the time of Manu, the Hindu progenitor of humanity

1.                   Maharishi Bhrigu (Sanskrit: Bhṛgu) was one of the seven great sages, the Saptarshis, one of the many Prajapatis (the facilitators of Creation) created by Brahma (The God of Creation)
[Lord Brahma the creator or implementer (chief architect) GOD as per Sanskrit texts, Maharishi Bhrigu was one of the seven great architect]
2.                   Maharishi Bhrigu is considered as a Manasa Putra (mind-born-son) of Brahma.
[Maharishi = great Hindu sage/seer, was not a born one bust he was developed using brain (Mind) like most of our modern automatic systems]
3.                   Maharishi Bhrigu complied book on predictive astrology, and also the author of Bhrigu Samhita, the astrological (Jyotish) classic, which contains the horoscope of all Human beings on the planet Earth. Saint Bhrigu was the first compiler who recorded the life details and events of various persons. This formed a database for research and study.
[Maharishi Bhrigu complied all the possible permutation and combination of Human (DNA?)  In a book named as Bhrigu Saṃhitā, which contains information of all the human their birth, event, previous birth and future. ]

4.            According to Manusmriti, Bhrigu was a compatriot of and lived during the time of Manu, the Hindu progenitor of humanity
[Manu (First Man) was the creation of Brahma and Manusmriti, Bhrigu was a compatriot of Manu]

1.       Lord Brahma (have four face) arrived on earth on his space craft and terraform the earth, he established the mankind on Earth and Manu was his first creation.
2.       To keep the record of all the human being he established a system (Bhrigu )
3.       Bhrigu establish permutation and combination of all the human beings  as well establish the complete cycles ( reincarnation past, present and future )
4.       This system started with First Human being itself and keep record of all human being.

We humans are creations of extraterrestrial intelligence, who landed on Earth thousands of years ago.  They terraform the Earth, Establish First Man (Manu) establish the DNA mapping with planetary position and strong inventory of all the human

Interesting Things
Some pages ( around 500, 000 ) still survived  till today and kept at Hoshiarpur , Punjab , India, Thousands of people still go there and get their details accurately  recorded till date.

The Book Bhrigu Saṃhitā considered as scholar work in Vedic Astrology till date.

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